2008 has come, which suggests that the 29th Olympic Games is coming.
What measures can be taken to solve the problem of air pollution in Beijing efficiently?

In order to ameliorate the quality of the air in Beijing, the first step is to control the sources of air pollution, such as waste gas from industry factories, tail gas from cars, and “Green House” gas, like Freon which is the most commonly used in refrigerators currently. Government can carry out some policies to achieve the target, such as installing apparatuses to examine the amount of pernicious gas within the waste gas waiting to be emitted and severely punishing those factories whose waste gas is not up to standard, controling the number of cars and encourage citizens to use bicycles or walk, and reducing the types and number of refrigerators using Freon to cold on the market. Next, the low qualified situation of air should be improved step by step. In addition, the propaganda for environment protection should be done more frequently and diffusely.
With unremitting effort, I believe, the quality of air in Beijing can be improved eventually. If Beijing can deal with all the other environmental problems like this, the “Green Olympic” is waving to us and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is predictable successful.
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I have correct the setting~ Sorry for the inconvenience I brought.
This is a clear concise paragraph. let's work on the language use. For example, try to rearrange the elements of the following "sentence" to make it adhere to the requirements for a complete sentence with both an independent and dependent clauses.
You wrote: Government can carry out some policies to achieve the target. Installing apparatuses to examine the amount of pernicious gas within the waste gas waiting to be emitted and severely punishing those factories whose waste gas is not up to standard; controling the number of cars and encourage citizens to use bicycles or walk; reducing the types and number of refrigerators using Freon to cold on the market; all of these measures above, I think, can contribute a lot.
Can you do that?
Thanks for your effort.
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